euNetworks Acquires Inland Fibre Telecom

Adding 130km of fibre network in and around Dublin, with unique routes that enhance euNetworks’ existing fibre footprint

London, UNITED KINGDOM; Dublin, IRELAND 6 November 2015 – euNetworks Group Limited (“euNetworks”) Europe’s bandwidth infrastructure provider, today announced that its subsidiary euNetworks Ireland Private Fiber Limited, acquired 100% of the shares of Inland Fibre Telecom. (“Inland Fibre”), a company headquartered in Dublin, Ireland. As a leading bandwidth provider in Dublin, euNetworks has owned and operated a fibre based city network for a number of years with a local team and office to support existing customers. The addition of 130km to the network means euNetworks further strengthens its Dublin market offering at a time when demand for bandwidth solutions continues to grow. “The acquisition of Inland Fibre has added further uniqueness to our fibre footprint in Dublin, creating new resilient routes in and out of some key business parks, as well as connecting important data centres,” said Brady Rafuse, Chief Executive Officer of euNetworks. “This is a highly complementary business to euNetworks and further strengthens our already dominant position in Dublin.” “euNetworks has relationships with the majority of Inland Fibre’s customers today and are delighted to be working more closely with them supporting their bandwidth needs,” said Rafuse. “Integration of the networks is largely complete, delivering immediate value to customers from the combined footprint.” “We are delighted that the assets of Inland Fibre were acquired by euNetworks, a company firmly established and committed to the Irish market,” said Jim McMahon, founder and Director at Inland Fibre Telecom Limited. “Their bandwidth offering both in Dublin and across Western Europe is certainly market leading and their approach to aligning network development and investment with customer needs is refreshing.” The Inland Fibre network offers a number of unique features in the market, with routes along the canalways, comprehensive diversity options to key data centres in the city and access to business parks in Maynooth and Naas.

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Über euNetworks

euNetworks ist eine Breitbandinfrastruktur-Anbieter. Das Unternehmen besitzt und betreibt 18 glasfaserbasierte Stadtnetze in ganz Europa, die ein Breitband-Backbone verbindet, der durch 53 Städte in 17 Ländern verläuft. Das Unternehmen ist ein führender Anbieter von Rechenzentrumsanbindungen und vernetzt mehr als 559 Rechenzentren in Europa direkt. Darüber hinaus ist euNetworks mit direkter Verbindung zu allen wichtigen Cloud-Plattformen und Zugang zu weiteren. Das Portfolio umfasst unbeleuchteter Glasfaser, Wellenlängen und Ethernet. Wiederverkäufer, Finanzdienstleister, Inhalteanbieter, Medienkonzerne, Rechenzentren und Unternehmen profitieren von euNetworks Glasfaser- und Leerrohrnetz, das auf ihre hohen Anforderungen im Hinblick auf breitbandige Verbindungen ausgelegt ist.