The transaction adds 1,660km of duct-based fibre network in Belgium to euNetworks’ European infrastructure and integration is now underway
London, UK; Brussels, BELGIUM – 28 April 2023 – euNetworks Group Limited (“euNetworks”), a Western European bandwidth infrastructure company, has closed its previously announced transaction to acquire the dark fibre business branch of a Belgian utility company (“the Business Branch”).
Integration of the duct-based network is underway, with 1,660km of fibre spread across unique routes in Brussels and long haul routes across Belgium, delivering a solid complement to euNetworks’ in-place network in the region. It also presents compelling investment opportunities as euNetworks looks into adjacent geographies with customers to give them an end-to-end experience. The company continues to focus on the ongoing densification of the high-demand bandwidth region of FLAP (Frankfurt, London, Amsterdam and Paris).
“With today’s transaction close, we’re now rapidly integrating the network and working closely with our new customers, suppliers and partners,” said Paula Cogan, Chief Executive Officer of euNetworks. “The added reach in Belgium and new and unique routes in Brussels and across the country benefit our customers. I am excited for the opportunity ahead as we continue strengthening our leadership in European infrastructure.”
As euNetworks focuses on delivering high-bandwidth fibre connectivity between and within European cities, the company continues to invest in its network by building unique routes, adding multiple diverse paths and extending reach into key hyperscale data centre sites, data centre clusters and network aggregation points. These investments fuel the company’s growth and drive the capacity requirements of euNetworks’ customers.
euNetworks contact:
Hannah Britt | Chief Marketing Officer | euNetworks
5 Churchill Place | London E14 5HU email | +44 7717 896 446 mobile
euNetworks ist eine Breitbandinfrastruktur-Anbieter. Das Unternehmen besitzt und betreibt 18 glasfaserbasierte Stadtnetze in ganz Europa, die ein Breitband-Backbone verbindet, der durch 53 Städte in 17 Ländern verläuft. Das Unternehmen ist ein führender Anbieter von Rechenzentrumsanbindungen und vernetzt mehr als 559 Rechenzentren in Europa direkt. Darüber hinaus ist euNetworks mit direkter Verbindung zu allen wichtigen Cloud-Plattformen und Zugang zu weiteren. Das Portfolio umfasst unbeleuchteter Glasfaser, Wellenlängen und Ethernet. Wiederverkäufer, Finanzdienstleister, Inhalteanbieter, Medienkonzerne, Rechenzentren und Unternehmen profitieren von euNetworks Glasfaser- und Leerrohrnetz, das auf ihre hohen Anforderungen im Hinblick auf breitbandige Verbindungen ausgelegt ist.