High Bandwidth and Cloud Connectivity Solution for the Media Community
London, UNITED KINGDOM – 9 September 2015 – euNetworks, a unique bandwidth infrastructure provider, today launched its Media Connect solution, offering scalable connectivity and cloud access to the media community in Europe. Media Connect has been developed in close consultation with euNetworks’ media clients over the last 18 months, with the company also investing in connections to key media areas around the UK and Europe. This includes fibre from Chiswick Park to the west of London, to Wood Lane and Soho, further east to Here East in Stratford as well as up to Manchester’s Media City and to Hilversum in the Netherlands. “We are a bandwidth infrastructure company, owning and operating our own fibre networks that connect more than 260 data centres and 1,000 buildings across Europe as well as offering direct access to 12 cloud platforms,” said Kevin Dean, Chief Marketing Officer of euNetworks. “Combined with our focus on connecting post production houses, media hubs and broadcast playout centres, this means we can offer a unique and scalable capability for the media community as they seek to push more of their workflow online to the cloud.” euNetworks offers rapid service delivery in areas with pre-deployed connectivity as well as the flexibility of project based contract options. Owning and managing their own network means euNetworks can support bandwidth requirements for today as well as plan for future bandwidth demands of their customers. “We offer services from ingest through to online distribution and continue to grow our digital media and post production service business,” said Jake Robbins, Chief Operating Officer of TVT. “Scalable connectivity into key sites is vital for our growth. The Fibre services delivered to us by euNetworks are an important element to the distribution services we provide our clients.” “euNetworks’ Media Connect solution offers the footprint, scalability and the flexibility that many of our clients are looking for as they work to transform some of their project delivery processes,” said Andy McConnell, Head of UK Sales, Ovation Data Services. “Their technical expertise and understanding of what the media community need sets them apart from other providers in this space.”
Bubble & Squeak Charlie Watson +44(0)7712 358112 charlotte.watson@bubblequeak.agency
euNetworks ist eine Breitbandinfrastruktur-Anbieter. Das Unternehmen besitzt und betreibt 18 glasfaserbasierte Stadtnetze in ganz Europa, die ein Breitband-Backbone verbindet, der durch 53 Städte in 17 Ländern verläuft. Das Unternehmen ist ein führender Anbieter von Rechenzentrumsanbindungen und vernetzt mehr als 559 Rechenzentren in Europa direkt. Darüber hinaus ist euNetworks mit direkter Verbindung zu allen wichtigen Cloud-Plattformen und Zugang zu weiteren. Das Portfolio umfasst unbeleuchteter Glasfaser, Wellenlängen und Ethernet. Wiederverkäufer, Finanzdienstleister, Inhalteanbieter, Medienkonzerne, Rechenzentren und Unternehmen profitieren von euNetworks Glasfaser- und Leerrohrnetz, das auf ihre hohen Anforderungen im Hinblick auf breitbandige Verbindungen ausgelegt ist.